Hiring a car in Alicante with no excess has lots of benefits. Among them is not having any amount of money blocked on your card in the form of an excess during the holidays. This major benefit, highly valued among our clients, is possible because Record go’s Total Comfort cover is a very broad cover, and you don’t have to block any excess with it.
One of the reasons why this no excess cover is so highly valued is precisely because our clients, for the most part, don’t not want any amount blocked on their card as a deposit in lieu of damages, because they like to have all the money from their card for their holidays and not just a part. So, when they choose to hire a car at Alicante airport they prefer to contract Total Comfort cover, thus avoiding the excess and also enjoying all the other advantages it offers.
In line with the above, another of the main benefits of hiring a car in Alicante with no excess is to be able to enjoy driving and forget about everything else. Having the security of knowing that, both in case of accident and theft, you’ll be covered and you’ll be able to continue enjoying your holiday is something that our clients definitely seek when they sign up for the Total Comfort cover.
In addition to cover for damages in the event of an accident and theft, the benefits of hiring a car in Alicante with no excess with Record go’s Total Comfort go much further, including damage to tyres and battery, among many others. Because at Record go we know our clients and we understand that, although these types of incidents wouldn’t happen so often in their usual vehicle, in the case of a rental we’re talking about a new vehicle, with different commands, and the place where the vehicle is driven also influences - somewhere normally unknown to them where they’re not used to driving. This is why we’ve designed the car rental in Alicante with no excess with the Total Comfort cover, so that our clients can enjoy the driving experience, and that neither a puncture nor a problem with the car's battery will spoil their holidays.
With regard to the above, it’s also worth mentioning that our premium service is included in our no excess cover. This is undoubtedly a great addition to the rental experience, since clients who choose to hire a car in Alicante with no excess by contracting the Total Comfort cover will enjoy all the benefits should they need them.
Among the premium features of this roadside assistance, in addition to 24 hour assistance, we highlight the possibility of repairing breakdowns in situ whenever possible. And if the vehicle needs to be transported to our offices, we offer the client the tow-truck service to transport the vehicle to our offices, also at no additional cost.
And of course, a change of vehicle is also included so that clients can continue their journey around Alicante as soon as possible after any accident or the breakdown they may have suffered.