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Blue Monday 2025: special deals on car hire for your holidays


Take advantage of the special car hire deals that we are preparing and reserve your vehicle for your holidays at the best price.


What is Blue Monday?

In the last few years a new term has arrived in Spain: Blue Monday.  
Just like its predecessors - Black Friday and Cyber Monday -, Blue Monday is a commercial day devoted to special offers and promotions on items for sale. 

But where does the term come from? Does it have a specific meaning? Indeed it does! Blue Monday is the saddest day of the year, related to the third Monday in the month of January. And, you’ll think, what does this have to do with discounts in shops? Easy! In recent years there has been a desire to turn the concept of Blue Monday around and make it a happier day, full of commercial deals that make it a more bearable day.  

Although it’s a day coined by the British, and a key commercial day also marked by marketing campaigns in the UK, Blue Monday has come to stay in Spain, with more and more businesses joining in this sales initiative.  

What does Blue Monday mean in English?

 The term Blue Monday, can be translated as ‘Sad Monday’ or, more strongly as ‘Depressing Monday’. 

Origins of Blue Monday

Blue Monday comes originally from the UK. In 2005, the British psychologist Cliff  Arnall conducted a study to determine what the most depressing day of the year was, by creating the equation: [W + (D-d)] x TQ / M x NA. This equation shuffles variables such as the weather, Christmas debts, salary, the time that has passed since Christmas, the frustration of achieving New Year's resolutions - or the time that has passed since we failed to fulfil something that we proposed at the time-, low motivation and the need to act. From the result of this complex equation, Blue Monday emerged as the most depressing day of the year. Impressive, right? 
Be sure to look for more information about Cliff Arnall and his study on the most depressing day of the year! 


When is Blue Monday 2025?

Blue Monday has been celebrated on the third Monday in January since 2005 (the year of its inception), with the next Blue Monday being on Monday, January 20th 2025.  



Blue Monday at Record go rent a car

If you’re looking for vehicle hire deals for Blue Monday 2025, then get ready, because this Blue Monday 2025 is going to be very special! At Record go we’ve prepared incredible deals for you in hiring your car, to ensure that the most depressing day of the year can’t win the battle. Incredible prices so that you can rejoice with a post-Christmas getaway, because, even though the yuletide is ending, your holidays don’t have to end, nor does the rejoicing! 

You’ll find all the deals and promotions for Blue Monday 2025 on our website. Are you going to miss out on it? But watch out! They’re only available for a limited period of time. 

What are you waiting for? Become a member of the Record go Club and you’ll be the first to know and be able to enjoy the deals for Blue Monday 2023 
Hope to see you very soon!  



Car hire in the main airports of Spain and Portugal

Unlimited mileage

Your car hire with no limits

Airport offices

In Ibiza, Valencia and Sevilla: free shuttle service.

Free cancellation 

Up to 24 hours in advance for fees that admit cancellations