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Fallas de Valencia 2024


What are the Valencia Fallas and when are they held? 



The Valencia Fallas is an annual festival celebrated in honour of San José, patron of the carpenters. This year they are being held from 15 to 19 March. If you’ve planned a getaway to Valencia over these dates, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the Fallas in your hire car.
The Valencia Fallas are characterised as festivals linked to tradition, art, fire and satire, where gaiety and entertainment are a central feature from start to finish. They include the well-known "ninots", great artistic works in cardboard that rise in human forms to generate satirical or comic scenes —many of them are millions worth. After being exhibited in the streets for several days, these “ninots” are publicly burnt, thus bringing the festival to an end.  
  Drive directly to the Cuba-Puerto Rico falla celebrations in your car to enjoy the street light displays or park your hire car nearby at Calle Menéndez Pidal and enjoy a stroll along the boardwalk, taking in all the monuments that you will find there. You can also watch the Nit del Foc fireworks show that will begin on the evening of 18 March.



When are the Fallas de Valencia 2024 celebrated?



The dates of the Fallas of 2024 are from March 15 to 19. During mid-March Valencia will once again breathe, in a certain way, that special air of these festivals classified as being of International Tourist Interest by UNESCO.


Although the famous "Cridá" is celebrated on Sunday, February 25, and the first mascletás begin on March 1, the Fallas Festival does not officially begin until Friday, March 15, the day of the famous "Plantà." 2024.




When is the plant of the Fallas 2024?



In the early hours of Friday, March 15, the "plantà" of the children's Fallas takes place, so that first thing in the day they are on display for everyone in the streets. And at dawn on Sunday, March 17, the "plantà" of all the fallaes takes place, and thus all the monuments finish being displayed in the streets.



When is the cremá de las Fallas 2024?


From 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 19, the “cremà” of the Fallas of Valencia is celebrated. More than 300 fallas burn throughout the city of Valencia, and many other smaller ones also do so to put an end to the Falles festival.


Enjoy the Fallas de Valencia in your hire car



Many of the streets in Valencia will be closed to vehicles during the Fallas, but every year the city council provides parking areas for everyone who decides to visit the city over these dates: 

  • If you’re coming from Castellón and Barcelona (V-21), the parking areas are on Avenida de Aragón and at the Polytechnic University.
  • From Alicante and Albacete (V-31), the parking areas are on Avenida de los Hermanos Maristas and Avenida de Antonio Ferrandis.
  • From Madrid (A-3), the parking areas are on Calle Tres Forques, Avenida de les Tres Creus and Calle Campos Crespo.
  • And from Ademuz (CV-35), you can park on the islands between Avenida del Maestro Rodrigo, Avenida de Burjassot, Avenida de Menéndez Pidal and Avenida de Tirso de Molina.

If you get there by car, in addition to exploring and enjoying the Fallas celebrations, you will also be able to take advantage of your hire care to drive to the beach and taste some delicious rice dishes, discover the Albufera if you’ve never been before, and just generally appreciate being able to get around the area quickly and easily.


Why visit the Valencia Fallas



Who wouldn’t want to enjoy five days of celebration, music, colour, fire, tradition and culture surrounded in the streets by art and satire? 
The Valencia Fallas is an event marked on the calendar not only for all Valencians, but also for all the city’s neighbours (from nearby towns or cities), and for all national and foreign tourists who’ve had the chance to experience the festival in the past.  
The Valencia Fallas have been recognised by UNESCO as a “Festival of International Tourist Interest”, including it in its "Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity".  
Thousands of tourists choose the Valencia Fallas as an event to enjoy on their holidays. And there is nothing more exciting than walking through the streets of Valencia, raising your head and seeing all the "ninots" one by one, enjoying its live satire, listening to traditional and modern music, the street performances and the mascletàs. Smelling the gunpowder, the freshly made paella and, finally, the smoke of the "cremà" or burning of the ninots. And thus are the Valencia Fallas experienced daily with the five senses. Who wouldn’t want to experience them? 


Getting to know Valencia during the Fallas and the rest of the year.  


Valencia is a beautiful city, with or without Fallas, so we invite you to get to know it, and there’s no better way to do so than at your own pace, according to your own timetable and without limitations.  

Which is why Record go offers you the very best car rental rates so you can visit the city of Valencia and enjoy the Fallas. Take advantage of our special offers and don’t miss out on any corner of the city.  

Move about freely with Record go!