General terms and conditions
0. Vehicle groups
1. Obligations of the contract holder and authorised drivers in relation to the rented vehicle:
2. Qualification for renting:
3. Rates
4. Accessories, extras, coverage and penalty fees
5. Fuel
6. Payment
7. Rental period: modifications, cancellations, no-shows, early returns and late pickups
8. Fines
9. Office hours
10. Data protection, legal system and code, code of conduct, taxes and reservation of rights
0. Vehicle groups
1. Obligations of the contract holder and authorised drivers in relation to the rented vehicle:
2. Qualification for renting:
3. Rates
4. Accessories, extras, coverage and penalty fees
5. Fuel
6. Payment
7. Rental period: modifications, cancellations, no-shows, early returns and late pickups
8. Fines
9. Office hours
10. Data protection, legal system and code, code of conduct, taxes and reservation of rights
0. Vehicle groups
1. Obligations of the contract holder and authorised drivers in relation to the rented vehicle:
2. Qualification for renting:
3. Rates
4. Accessories, extras, coverage and penalty fees
5. Fuel
6. Payment
7. Rental period: modifications, cancellations, no-shows, early returns and late pickups.
8. Office hours
9. Data protection, legal system and code, code of conduct, taxes and reservation of rights
0. Vehicle groups
1. Obligations of the contract holder and authorised drivers in relation to the rented vehicle
2. Qualification for renting
3. Tarifs
4. Accessories, extras, coverage and penalty fees
5. Fuel
6. Payment
7. Rental period: modifications, cancellations, no-shows, early returns and late pickups.
8. Office hours
9. Data protection, legal system and code, code of conduct, taxes and reservation of rights
0. Vehicle groups
1. Introduction
2. Qualification for renting:
3. Customer Obligations
4.1. Obligations of the contract holder and authorised drivers in relation to the rented vehicle:
The contract holder is directly and jointly responsible for ensuring that the main driver, or other authorised additional drivers, comply with the contractual obligations stipulated below while driving the rented vehicle.
The contract holder, or the drivers authorised by them to drive the rented vehicle, shall hereinafter be referred to jointly and severally as the ‘Customer’.
If Record go believes that any of the following obligations have been breached, it reserves the right to take the relevant legal action, such as repossessing the rented vehicle from the contract holder and/or legally demanding its return.
4.2. Obligations of the contract holder and authorised drivers at the time of collection:
The rental invoice shall be in the name of the contract holder and cannot be changed once the contract has been issued. Customers requesting an invoice in the name of a company must communicate this before concluding the rental agreement.
Inspect the vehicle before leaving the car park and inform Record go of any discrepancies in relation to the condition of the vehicle as described in the section of the contract entitled ‘Information and Damage Check Annex’, i.e. detecting a discrepancy in the list of accessories in the vehicle and damage that was not indicated, or was incorrectly indicated, in the previously signed rental contract.
Sign the ‘Collection’ section of the ‘Information and Damage Check Annex’ of the contract as proof of acceptance of the vehicle's condition at the time of collection. The signing of the rental agreement implies the customer's acceptance of the list of accessories in the vehicle and the description of damage in the section of the agreement entitled ‘Information and Damage Check Annex’. Any damage not specified in the contract shall be considered new damage and shall be attributable to the contract holder. In the event of breakage or loss of any accessory or additional equipment marked as being present in the vehicle, the contract holder shall be liable for the replacement cost.
If requested, a duly approved child seat is provided for hire together with a monitoring device, for the specific fee notified in advance to the Customer and set out in the Rental Contract
limited to the duration specified therein.
The customer will personally examine that the car seat and monitoring device are suitable for the agreed use, in working order and installed in the car.
The customer declares that he/she exonerates and releases Record go from any type of responsibility for any type of damage that may be caused to themselves, third parties or the child transported in the car seat, as a result of the incorrect use and/or incorrect assembly of the car seat and/or the monitoring device.
In the event of loss/theft/damage of the car seat and/or the monitoring device, Record go reserves the right to charge the costs as quantified in the price list pro tempore in force.
If you have purchased the Meet & Greet off airport extra, you must bear in mind the provisions indicated in point 6.2.3. with regard to this extra.
The signing of the rental contract shall imply acceptance of the contract’s particular conditions and the general contract conditions.
4.3. Obligations of the contract holder and additional authorised drivers during the rental period:
The customer is obliged to use the vehicle in accordance with the following terms and conditions of use:
Notify Record go in the event of any technical faults in the rented vehicle: fluid level (oil, water), tyre pressure, etc.
In the event of a claim, engine failure or breakdown, regardless of the insurance cover taken out, follow the procedure laid down by Record go:
Do not repair the vehicle without prior consent from Record go;
Do not request a breakdown service without prior consent from Record go.
Do not leave the rented vehicle without taking the necessary measures to protect it and always remain with the vehicle until the towing service arrives.
Notify Record within a maximum of 24 hours of the claim and any damage (with or without third parties) caused to the rented vehicle. Record go will assess the situation and determine the most appropriate solution: the driver will be instructed to go to the rental office to collect a replacement vehicle; the vehicle will be repaired at the scene of the accident or, if it cannot be repaired, a tow truck will be sent to tow the rented vehicle to the nearest Record go office and a replacement vehicle will be delivered to the contract holder.
In addition, only in the event of an accident, the driver must duly complete the accident or damage report, present it to the Record go office when returning the rented vehicle, and send a copy of the report to [email protected]. The accident report must indicate the circumstances, place, date and time of the accident, as well as any witnesses and the full contact details of any third parties involved.
In the event of non-delivery of the duly completed damage report, or in the event of negligence on the part of the customer, Record go reserves the right not to deliver a replacement vehicle.
Moreover, the insurance cover may no longer be valid.
Record go will process accident claims, notify the contract holder of the appropriate action to be taken, and offer advice in the event of injury and/or if a summons is received. Record go will charge the contract holder € 50 as an accident processing fee (DAF) for this accident management, damage control and advice service.
If the contract holder has purchased our Total Comfort cover, Record go will not charge for this service.
In the event of theft or robbery of the rented vehicle, regardless of the insurance cover taken out, follow the procedure laid down by Record go:
Notify the competent authorities immediately and file a report. If this document, in its original, is not sent to Record go, your insurance cover may be cancelled.
Notify Record go of the theft or robbery of the rented vehicle within a maximum of 24 hours.
The keys of the rented vehicle must be handed over to Record within a maximum of 24 hours. If the contract holder does not hand over the keys, they will be required to pay Record go the full amount of the excess on the vehicle. This clause only ceases to apply if the police report indicates that the vehicle keys were stolen.
Respect traffic rules. Traffic violations constitute an offence and the driver may incur fines and penalties as prescribed by applicable laws. In addition, if the driver incurs a traffic fine during the rental period, Record go will charge the contract holder for the management and administration of the fine for each offence/fine received (See further information in section 4.4). Respect the speed limits set for each type of vehicle.
The Customer is responsible for driving the rented vehicle correctly in accordance with Italian law. Any damage to the rented vehicle as a result of driving in the opposite lane shall be considered negligence. The contracted cover will therefore lose its validity and the contract holder will be liable for all costs arising therefrom.
Having sufficient knowledge to drive the rented vehicle correctly
The customer is responsible for knowledge for and driving of the rented vehicle correctly, especially with regard to operating the gear changes. Any damage to the vehicle as a result of a gear shift error will be considered negligence. The contracted cover will lose its validity and the contract holder will be liable for any costs arising.
4.4. Obligations of the contract holder and authorised drivers when returning the rented vehicle:
Return the rented vehicle with the keys, accessories and extras in the same working order and in the tidy and clean condition in which they were delivered. If the contract holder returns the rented vehicle in a condition other than that specified by Record go at the time of collection in the 'information and damage check annex' section of the contract, the contract holder will be responsible for any alterations made and for any missing documentation or accessories and, depending on the type of cover purchased (see the types of cover offered by Record go to section '4. Extras, accessories, charges and cover'), incurring additional costs due to a breach of the terms and conditions of the contract, charged by Record go pursuant to Art. 1588 of the Civil Code
If the contract holder has purchased cover with their bank account provider or through a third party, Record go may legitimately charge the corresponding amount up to the maximum limit of the excess, withholding the amount from the security deposit tied to the release of the car. The contract holder shall request reimbursement of the amount from their credit card or third-party provider.
Ask Record go staff to check the condition of the rented vehicle and to sign the ‘Return’ section of the ‘Information and damage check annex’ of the contract as proof of acceptance of the vehicle's condition upon return. If the customer does not ask Record GO staff to check the vehicle when it is returned, this implies that the vehicle can be checked in their absence.
Return the rented vehicle within office hours.
Return the vehicle at the agreed place, date and time. Record go offers a 60-minute grace period for the return of the rented vehicle in relation to the collection time. However, this grace period must be determined and requested when concluding the rental agreement and selecting the vehicle return time.
In the event of delayed return of the rented vehicle, the cover purchased shall be considered null and void and Record go shall charge a penalty for each day of delay in returning the vehicle. In addition to this fee, the contract holder must also pay the daily rental fee (see the fee table in section '4. Extras, Accessories, Charges and covers').
The customer must return the rented vehicle to the office indicated at the time of collection. If the contract holder returns the rented vehicle to an office other than the one where the vehicle was collected, Record go shall apply the corresponding penalty (see the fee table in section '4. Extras, Accessories, Charges and covers').
Inspect the vehicle before returning the keys and ensure that no personal belongings have been left inside. Record go is not liable for loss of or damage to personal belongings left inside the vehicle during or after the rental period. The contract holder shall be solely responsible for these items, which shall be destroyed if they are not collected by the contract holder or another person authorised by them within three months of termination of the contract. If the renter requests the return of its goods by courier, it shall be responsible for and pay the shipping and associated costs, where applicable.
If the contract holder returns the vehicle outside the office opening hours, except at offices where returns are permitted outside opening times, they must follow the instructions below from Record go to return the vehicle outside the office opening hours. In this case, it is not necessary for the contract holder to carry out any paperwork or processes with Record go's staff. The vehicle keys must be deposited in the key-return box located at our offices in the car park.
In this case, the contract holder will continue to be responsible for the rented vehicle until the rental office reopens. If the contract holder fails to comply with the instructions to return the vehicle outside office hours, they shall continue to be responsible for the rented vehicle until Record go has access to the vehicle. The vehicle shall be inspected in the absence of the Customer, who hereby accepts the charges on the state and condition of the delivered vehicle with regard to bodywork, mechanical parts and cleanliness. It is therefore recommended that the customer take pictures of the vehicle that clearly show the place and time of return and the condition of the vehicle in order to allow the contractual parties to operate in good contractual faith.
4.5. Additional obligations for the contract holder and additional authorised drivers the breach of which will cause the contracted cover to be void
Failure to comply with any of the obligations described below shall result in forfeiture of the contractual cover, so that the contract holder shall be liable to pay compensation for the damage caused to the rented vehicle, the cost of the tow truck, the return of the vehicle, the additional cost of immobilising the rented vehicle until its recovery (in accordance with the penalty table in Section 4.4) the penalties and all other expenses incurred, up to the total amount of the deductible.
The following cases of loss of cover and rights are expressly detailed and communicated to the customer during the booking process, highlighting key information, so that the information can be considered accepted.
- Do not drive the vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any other substance that may affect your ability to drive. Record go accepts no liability for any accident or damage to property caused by the rented vehicle if at the time of the accident the driver was driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any other substance that could affect driving ability. The mere fact of driving under the influence of any of the aforementioned substances shall constitute sufficient grounds for holding the contract holder liable for any damage, regardless of whether the influence of the aforementioned circumstances has been proven in the damage liability.
- The rented vehicle must only be driven by drivers expressly authorised by Record in the rental agreement.
- Do not drive the vehicle outside Italy or outside the Italian island where the vehicle was collected. In this regard, it’s not permitted to transport the rented vehicle on a ferry or any other type of maritime transport. In the event of a breach of this obligation, Record go will apply the corresponding penalty, the contracted cover will be cancelled and the contract holder will be liable for all costs incurred, including the cost of repatriating the vehicle.
- Fill the rented vehicle with the correct type of fuel, as indicated in the ‘Vehicle Information’ section of the contract and also next to the rented vehicle's tank cap. Using the incorrect fuel by accident shall constitute new damage and shall be attributable to the contract holder.
- Do not pour water or industrial or agricultural fuel (usually red) into the fuel tank. The presence of water or red diesel in the tank is considered negligence and the contract holder will be liable for same.
- Do not leave the vehicle without fuel and/or AdBlue or any other fluid necessary for the proper functioning of the vehicle. The vehicle will be delivered with a minimum level of AdBlue and, if necessary, the customer is responsible for fuelling.
- (Electric vehicles) Do not run out of battery
- Do not drive on unpaved, unauthorised or restricted roads.
- Do not drive with more than the number of persons stipulated in the registration certificate for the rented vehicle type.
- Do not use the vehicle as a means of public transport for passengers.
- Do not use the rented vehicle for illegal activities.
- Do not use the rented vehicle to participate in races, competitions or reliability or speed tests.
- Do not use the vehicle for commercial purposes, as a courier service, or for transporting goods or persons.
- Do not sublet the vehicle.
- Do not use the vehicle to tow other vehicles.
- Do not use the vehicle to transport animals.
- Do not use the vehicle to transport explosives.
- Do not use the vehicle to transport corrosive and/or toxic substances.
- Do not smoke inside the rented vehicle. If the vehicle smells of tobacco smoke, Record go will apply a penalty to cover the costs of handling, extraordinary cleaning and suspension of the vehicle (See Section 4.4 - Penalties).
- Do not park the rented vehicle in Record go car parks during the rental period.
- It is not permitted to disassemble or remove the seats of the rented vehicle.
- Do not leave the lights on or let the battery run down.
- Provide an accident report in case of damage and hand it in to the Record go office when returning the rented vehicle and send a copy of the accident report to [email protected] within a maximum period of 24 hours after the accident. The accident report should indicate the circumstances, place, date and time of the accident, possible witnesses and the full contact details of any third parties involved.
- If the vehicle is stolen, immediately inform the competent authorities and file a police report. Obtain the corresponding report signed by the police and return the vehicle keys or declare in the report that the keys were stolen.
- Mount snow chains correctly, use them properly and do not leave them mounted longer than necessary.
- Do not park the vehicle without the handbrake or any other safety device provided for this purpose.
- Do not alter the vehicle or install any devices without authorisation from RECORD GO.
- Do not return the vehicle at the agreed place and time.
- Do not abandon the vehicle.
4. Eligibility for rental (who can rent):
5. Rates
6. Accessories, extras, cover and penalties
7. Fuel
8. Payment
9. Rental period: changes, cancellations, no-shows, early return and late collection.
10. Fines
11. Office opening hours
12. Rules governing the processing of personal data
13. Applicable law and competent court
14. Reservation of rights
15. Annex 1
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Spain +34 936 192 468