On this page, you’ll find the answer to the most common questions that may arise when hiring a vehicle with Record go, all based on reviews of Record go and hiring experiences of our customers
We’ve compiled the queries repeated in the different portals containing reviews about Record go so that our customers can find answers to all of them on one page
This is a selection of Record go Reviews from all our branches.
This is how our customers talk about their experiences of renting with Record go.
How can we help you? Access the content of our FAQs and customer service and get all the information you need about requirements, documentation and conditions to carry out a vehicle rental.
Your car hire with no limits
In Ibiza, Menorca, Bilbao, Valencia, Sevilla, Lisboa and Oporto: free shuttle service.
Up to 24 hours in advance for fees that admit cancellations
See for yourself what we’re like: hire with us at one of our destinations: